The Art of Seating
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Our Refurbishing Steps
How we do it

As soon as a chair arrives to our facilities we proceed by having an inspection of every part of the chair, including every in and out mechanisms that the chair might have.

We love to send out our chairs sparkling clean. For the chair cleansing part we begin by cleaning every part with an air compressor, following that we begin steaming and wiping down the parts.

We make sure all of our products leave our hands with 100% functionality. After taking out piece by piece of each chair and analyzing them we replace every part that we have found broken, damaged or old. We do this to ensure a 5 star quality for our chairs.

Painting is a really important step. After cleansing the chairs we proceed to paint them. This step is taken very slowly to ensure that the paint dries smoothly and coats every part evenly.
About Us
Echairs is a family owned business established in 2015. From the ground floor, Echairs has flourished and is serving the community of New York City. With over 30 years of combined experience we pride ourselves in excellent customer service and strive to meet our clients seating needs. Each of our refurbished chairs need to meet our high standards before leaving to our costumer's location.